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Gaelphobal Ard Mhacha Theas aims to create opportunities for local people and communities to use, access and learn the Irish language in their daily lives.
We seek to promote and emphasise our rich local heritage and celebrate our linguistic treasures through our songs, stories and people
In the South Armagh Area. Gaelphobal Ard Mhacha Theas aims to create opportunities for local people and communities to use, access and learn the Irish language in their daily lives.
The most recent census (2011) indicates 22.75% of a population of 26,106 people in the South Armagh Area have a level of knowledge and capability in the language, which is substantially higher than the average of 10.65% in the north of Ireland in general. South Armagh is situated in the historic area of Oriel, home to the Gaeltacht area of South-East Ulster, famed for it’s poets, writers, singers and ceunturies old literary traditions. Gaelphobal Ard Mhacha Theas works to unpack and unearth many of these traditions, giving them new life through the Irish language, speakers and learners in the area.