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Michael J Murphy was born in Liverpool in 1913. His parents were originally from Dromintee, South Armagh, and their family returned there in 1922.
He developed an interest in storytelling and began to write down stories and sayings, take photographs and to publish in local and provincial newspapers. He wrote multiple books, the first of which was published in 1941 titled ‘At Slieve Gullion’s Foot’. He then went on to work with The Folklore Commission.
He campaigned, as a socialist republican, against the social, political and environmental problems in Ireland. He published ten books; wrote six plays and scores of short stories. The Cuimhneamh Oral History Ti Chulainn Centre marked the centenary of Michael J’s birth in 1913 by re-issuing his first book ‘At Slieve Gullion’s Foot’ at a Michael J Murphy Winter School. To see more about Cuimhneamh and Michael J Murphy click here.
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