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Interested in using Irish within your business?
This can be as simple as bilingual signage or even offering your services through Irish. There are many benefits to promoting Irish in your business and funding/awards available to those who do.
Gradaim Glór na nGael
Glór na nGael provide support and advice to businesses who use, or would like to use the Irish language in their business model or provide goods and services through Irish.
An integral part of provision to the business sector is the GRADAIM scheme. GRADAIM is an awards scheme designed to highlight, encourage and reward best practice use of the Irish language in business.
More info here.
Foras na Gaeilge: Gnó Means Business
Foras na Gaeilge is committed to supporting the Business Community in exploring and developing the practical business application of the Irish language and to this end match-funding up to the maximum value of €3,000 is provided through our Business Support Scheme.
More info here.