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The Oriel Arts Project is a website of reclamation and renewal, with over 150 pages of information. and over 40 videos on it and funded by The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon Traditional Arts Funding.
The Oriel Arts Project is a website of reclamation and renewal, with over 150 pages of information and over 40 videos on it and funded by The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon Traditional Arts Funding. It is a long term cultural heritage project for the restoration and renewal of aspects of the song and music traditions of Oriel.
Orialla, anglicized as Oriel, is a region without boundaries which stretches inland, across county and state borders, form the Cooley peninsula on the east coast of Ireland. Its cultural heritage is one of the richest in Ireland, which drew many collectors of Gaelic oral traditional, over one hundred years ago, to transcribe and record some of its precious cultural gems for future generations
By celebrating this rich heritage, Oriel Arts aims to bring awareness to the contribution made by Oriel musicians, composers and poets, past and present, to the corpus of Irish traditional music, to inspire contemporary, instrumental musicians and singers to revisit this wealth of source music, inherited through oral and manuscript transmission.
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